done right
A better way to manage modular Git projects. Enable the Git X-Modules app on your Git server and sync your repository directories with external repositories
The only server-side solution with
zero overhead for Git users
It's synced on your Git server with an external repository
X-Module is a regular directory
It's synced on your Git server with an external repository
The changes go to the external repository
When X-Module is updated
The changes go to the external repository
The changes are applied to the X-Module
When external repository is updated
The changes are applied to the X-Module
Git X-Modules applies one update and turns the other into a pull request
When there are two conflicting updates
Git X-Modules applies one update and turns the other into a pull request
Cross-repository development
made easy
Build a monorepo by composing multiple Git repositories
Compose multiple repositories
Build a monorepo by composing multiple Git repositories
Push your changes to a monorepo to update multiple repositories at once
Update repositories with a single push
Push your changes to a monorepo to update multiple repositories at once
Git X-Modules automatically syncs new refs in a monorepo with original repositories
Create branches and tags
Git X-Modules automatically syncs new refs in a monorepo with original repositories
Reviewers can see all the related changes in one place with a single pull request
Review code changes
Reviewers can see all the related changes in one place with a single pull request
Git X-Modules instantaneously applies the reviewed changes to the original repositories
Accept pull requests
Git X-Modules instantaneously applies the reviewed changes to the original repositories
Migrating to a monorepo?
Git X-Modules is the ultimate solution for teams moving their Git projects to a monorepo
Flexible settings that fit your environment
Sync or Pin
Pin an X-Module to a certain commit, or sync it with any branch in the external repository. Change the settings at any time.
Pull all or exclude
Pull the whole tree from an external repository or specify its subdirectory with powerful exclude filters.
Merge or Rebase
Keep the history clean and tidy by squashing and rebasing module commits or preserve the module history in a parent repository with a merge option.
Focus on your code rather
than your tools
Enable Git X-Modules on your Git server and use the standard Git tools
to work seamlessly across multiple repositories.
Easy setup
Enable Git X-Modules for your repository and add new modules with a few clicks. That's it.
Quick off the mark
No need to learn new tools or commands. Git X-Modules works on the server, so Git users are free to choose any client they like.
Zero downtime
Start using Git X-Modules from the day one. It won't disrupt your development process and your infrastructure will remain intact.
Still struggling with Git Submodules?
Git X-Modules is the most advanced alternative to Git Submodules
Made by TMate Software
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Space X
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